Morning hygiene followed by breakfast, morning chores, and preparation for school.
8:30 am
Morning Meeting
The academic day starts with the morning meeting in which staff and students practice mindfulness, preview the day’s schedule, set goals, and problem solve any concerns that may have arisen.
Academic Classes
Students attend classes in groups of less 6-8 to maintain an individualized focus and engaging classroom environment. Each semester the schedule changes based on academic offerings and student course needs.
Lunch/Gym Rotation
Students break out into smaller groups to prepare and eat
a healthy lunch and enjoy time at Cheshire Fitness Club.
While at the gym, under the supervision of staff, our
students implement their individualized exercise plan.
Academic Classes
Continued academic courses with emphasis upon students sustaining focus and engagement throughout the school day.
Afternoon Responsibilities & Relaxation
Students attend to any concerns with the cleanliness of
their room, utilize leisure and recreation to decompress
from school, and participate in preparation of a familystyle
Staff members model healthy eating habits, coach students on social skills related to meal times, and
practice gratitude.
Evening Chores
With the guidance of our staff, students practice vital life skills by attending to after dinner cleanup and evening
chores. We also use this time to set ourselves up for success by preparing for the next day.
Evening Activities
Evenings are planned to support leisure skill development and responsibility. Evening hours typically include
homework completion followed by a choice of board games, on campus recreation, social calls with family members, and connecting with peers.
Lights Out
After students complete evening hygiene, they are prompted to find a relaxing way to end their day before lights out.
A Typical Weekend Day at Black Mountain Academy
Morning hygiene followed by special "weekend" breakfast, prepared by staff.
Deep Clean (Saturday)
Students work together to maintain personal and shared spaces. Our staff work to teach skills that enhance group
problem solving, communication, and attention to detail.
Students help plan and prepare some of the meals, thereby building self-confidence and encouraging healthy eating habits. Staff and students plan for afternoon activities.
Recreational Programming
Each weekend, students participate in an array of activities that range from student planned outings, community service trips, adventures into Asheville, or quite time
based on the students needs and preferences.
Students typically plan and prepare special, more elaborate meals on the weekends with their staff members.
Evening Entertainment
Staff and students often times will use weekend evening to host a “jam session”, work on a project, or watch a movie as a way to recharge and replenish for the week ahead.
Self Care & Relaxation
Students benefit from quiet time before bed to relax their minds and prepare for sleep. During this time students
may enjoy reading a good book or magazine, ask for extra help from their staff members, or connect with a peer.